Intake Form

Client Questionnaire for TeleCoaching

As your coach, it is important for me to understand who you are, what you value, and how you approach life. This Questionnaire is designed to promote exploration about what you really want out of life. Please set aside some time to thoroughly consider these questions, and return to me by email.
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Full Address, City, State and Zip.
1- Why have you hired me?
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Goal 4
Goal 5
3. What would you like to do to or accomplish during your lifetime?
4. What is your passion in life?
5. What are your favorite pastimes?
6. What motivates you or gives you energy?
7. What do you consider to be your personal and/or professional strengths?
8. Tell me five aspects of your personal/professional life, past or present, of which you are most proud?
9. Are you aware of any behaviors/beliefs that stand in the way achieving professional success and having a life you really love?
10. Tell me what I should know about you to coach you best?
11. How will you know that our coaching is working?

Contact us:

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